As of 24 May, Dspnor has relocated 500m from its headquarters to its new purpose-built offices.
The new premises offer bigger and more labs, up to date meeting rooms, chem room, mechanical workshop, and larger storage areas. It also offers an unobstructed view, both visual and radar-wise, over Bergen approach north. The radar range is about 7nm.
Although the company will try to make the transition as smooth as possible, it will operate with reduced capabilities for one week or so, which may cause some disruption to services. All pending orders have been shipped before the move commenced.
Dspnor’s new address is:
Dspnor as
Vagsgaten 22
5160 Laksevag
There have been no changes to email addresses or phone numbers, but the IP address of the firm’s support services and radar data will change and customers will be informed.
Dspnor welcomes any visitors, but asks clients to call them first.
Norshipping 2017
Dspnor will not be exhibiting at the Norshipping 2017 show, but will be available on Wednesday 31 May for meetings and catch ups. Please contact the company via the enquiry form for more details.