
Cloudis has introduced a new managed service for its CMPIC cable lifecycle management and routing software. The service will be of particular benefit to new customers and clients who need short-term access to CMPIC for a specific project.

The service is provided by enabling secure access to Cloudis servers in the UK via a web browser. This means any CMPIC user can access the same project database from anywhere in the world over the Internet.

The service is also useful for showing new clients their project data in the CMPIC database before the implementation of the software on site. Using this approach Cloudis staff can load data such as cable lists, device information and cableway data into a CMPIC project that clients can then view and interact with before the installation. The approach also means collaboration between clients and Cloudis can take place in a quicker and more economic way.

As part of the service Cloudis ensures all database administration functions are carried out on behalf of the users.