
Aliança Shipyard has acquired FORAN 3D Viewers for project control, construction and maintenance tasks. Strategically located in an area of 54,000m² in Niterói, alongside Baía de Guanabara (Brazil), Aliança Shipyard has proven experience in construction of high technology vessels as AHTS (anchor handling tug supply), MPSV (multipurpose platform supply vessel), PSV (platform supply vessel), OSRV (oil spill response vessel). The company works together with world-renowned designers as Rolls Royce Marine and Ulstein.

Aliança Shipyard (formerly named EBIN Shipyard) is owned by Companhia Brasileira de Offshore (CBO), an offshore shipping company of maritime support to oil platforms funded with 100% national capital, with its headquarters located in Rio de Janeiro. CBO has a fleet of 21 vessels.