The US Navy has awarded a contract to Kratos Defense & Security Solutions to provide support services for the US Navy’s next-generation IT workforce.
Under the $3.2m contract, Kratos will plan, design and implement an overseas contingency operations (OCO) specialised skills training solution to help the navy keep pace with manpower surge requirements and evolving C4ISR systems and missions.
For the training solution, Kratos will develop processes and tools to identify skill gaps, document competency requirements, develop training content and support forward deployed forces with performance support materials.
In addition, Kratos will also develop new information technology training courses supporting shore network administration for the navy’s Center for Information Dominance (CID).
The company will also develop and deliver blended learning solutions that combine a variety of delivery channels and media.
As a subcontractor to the Scientific Research Corporation, Kratos is completing manpower and training analysis for the next-generation enterprise network (NGEN) programme supporting more than 750,000 users of the navy’s shore-based networks.