The Turkish Navy’s long-delayed frigate programme is progressing following responses to a request for information issued to several foreign and domestic companies to help construct six anti-air frigates.

A request for information was issued in January for the TF-2000 Turkish frigate programme, according to

Turkey’s defence procurement agency obtained information on directed infrared countermeasures, electric generation and distribution systems, integrated platform management systems, laser directed / kinetic energy weapons, main propulsion systems and the naval gun system.

The Turkish frigate programme is expected to cost around $3bn and be complete in ten to 12 years.

The indigenous design work is being carried out by the Turkish Naval Institute. All six vessels will be constructed at the Tuzla military shipyard.

The vessels will be equipped with state-of-the-art anti-missile and anti-aircraft air defense missile systems, and other weapons.

Naval warfare helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles are also planned for deployment on the TF-2000s, which will have a displacement capacity of more than 6,000t.

The first TF-2000 is expected to enter service in 2018, according to a defence analyst.