The Aligner 241 is designed to enable accurate and rapid alignment of sight camera and gun barrels by utilising collimation.
Areas for application include naval guns, land guns, and tanks.
Special advantages include:
- Positioning accuracy not affected by bore rifling
- Positioning accuracy not affected by bore wear
- Attached to the bore in a few seconds and self-aligned with extreme precision
- Securing straps not needed
- Enables clinometer use for elevation zeroing
- Enables use of Gun Camera and Tilt Sensor
The Aligner 241 can be used for calibers from 12.7mm – 127 mm (0.5in – 5in) and 155mm. Various parallaxes between sight camera and gun barrel axis are delivered according to requests.
Sensor / camera plate
The Sensor/Camera plate is designed for the following purposes:
- As an accurate and repeatable mechanical interface between the Gun Adapter and the Collimator Arm
- For placement of bubble inclinometer for gun elevation checking
- For attachment of Schill’s gun camera
- For attachment of Shill’s tilt sensor
A complete set of calibration tools are available for customers who wish to perform maintenance of the Aligner 241 by themselves and become independent of Schill’s services.
The calibration tools include the versatile Gun Adapter Calibration Fixture, Barrel Clamps for different calibers, Test Table with necessary patterns for the alignment procedure and a Close-up Lens for the Collimator.
The cross-hairs of the Collimator are illuminated by the adjustable Back-light Illuminator and can be calibrated by a calibration procedure described in the user manual.
For more information, please download the product brochure here.