Textron Marine & Land Systems’ (TM&LS) Motor Lifeboat (MLB) delivers outstanding performance in a wide variety of roles, including search-and-rescue, border patrol, law enforcement and natural disaster relief operations. Our rugged, 47ft all-aluminum MLB has proven itself during more than 15 years of service, as a platform with unparalleled stability, reliability and survivability. You define the requirement, and TM&LS will customise and produce a custom-built Motor Lifeboat that meets your specific needs.
Tested and relied upon by governments and militaries
As a key United States Coast Guard (USCG) fleet asset, 117 MLBs fulfill multi-mission roles along the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. First introduced into service in 1997, MLBs are also now in use by governments and militaries in Canada, Egypt and Mexico. These vessels, wherever they are put into service, consistently achieve exceptional operational readiness and availability rates; the result of the MLB’s outstanding design, construction and maintainability.
Production ready
TM&LS’ 600,000ft2 shipyard, located in Louisiana on the Gulf of Mexico, is optimised for Motor Lifeboat production. Our knowledgeable and highly-skilled workforce have built more than 120 of these boats. The unique shipyard design reflects many years of experience and proprietary research that enabled TM&LS to streamline the MLB construction process using highly efficient assembly stations. When each boat is finished and inspected, it moves from the assembly line into the open water – fully functional and mission ready.
"Time and time again these boats are proving themselves in the most demanding conditions and we are especially pleased and thankful for them." – Captain Dave Illuminate USCG (retired) at 2003 MLB USCG Close Out Ceremony.
Innovation at work
The Motor Lifeboat design, refined over two decades, incorporates several technological innovations. Among the MLBs key features –
- A lightweight, rugged marine-grade aluminum hull helps make it fast and able to handle rough seas. The MLB can operate in 50-knot wind
conditions, and can withstand impacts from 20ft breaking waves at three times the force of gravity - An inherent self-righting capability. When pitch-poled or rolled into swells the MLB will self-right in less than ten seconds – with all machinery remaining fully operational. The MLB is even self-righting with the enclosed bridge or survivor compartment damaged and free flooding
- Recessed recovery wells on both port and starboard sides allow rescuers to operate less than one foot from the waterline and retrieve
victims or flotsam more easily