MARIN, as an independent research institute, brings navies, industry and research institutes together for joint industry projects (JIPs) on complex hydrodynamic naval topics that need combined resources and efforts to succeed. This unique cooperation shares and transfers information within the JIP network, providing competitive advantages to the participants in their further product developments and services.
Some examples are:
- JIP LAURA (launch and recovery system for any small navy crafts): development of a design for a common system that can launch and recover a wide variety of small craft, and can be operated in a wide range of environments (International Joint Industry project with involvement of navies, research institutes, naval vessel builders, component builders and UxV manufacturers)
- SALUTE (smart aircraft take-off and landing and UaV transfer in the naval environment): the improvement of starting and landing of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles on naval vessels by development of an on-board wave and motion estimator and information exchange systems (Dutch national research project with the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR, the Dutch Defense Material Organization and industry partners)
- CRN (cooperative research navies): The development of the frigate simulation software FREDYN for severe conditions, including flooding module to determine capsize risk for a damaged naval vessel (cooperative project with international participation of worldwide navies and defence research institutes).
Are you interested in joining a Joint Industry Project? Are you facing a specific technology topic requiring combined efforts of several organisations to succeed? MARIN has access to unique local and global networks and is able to support your request.